Big Thoughts From A Little Person

Monday, August 07, 2006

Scared or Excited?

So God has been doing some pretty incredible things in my life recently. First of all, I graduated from high school and have been patiently waiting for the next phase of my life. :) I am saying that with complete sarcasm, because if anything I have not been patient. This summer has gone by so fast, yet I cannot believe how long ago graduation night feels to me. Around the time that school got out, I began to feel overwhelmed with life in general. I have been looking forward to being done with high school for so long, but I never really focused on what it would be like after. I did not really feel prepared to "grow up". :) The gap in between high school and college really gave me too much time to think. At the beginning of the summer I started to get really nervous. Over the last three months, I have really tried to focus on giving all of my anxious thoughts over to Christ. Two weeks from today all of my bags will be packed and I will be making my move across the country. I have no idea what to expect, I will only know one student when I get there, and I have not even come close to deciding what I am even going to school for. The great thing about it is that of all of the things that I don’t know, I DO know that I am obeying God and that I am going where He wants me to go. So I am honestly not sure where I was going with this entry... but I just wanted to encourage those of you who feel nervous or unsure of anything. My dad used to always tell me that the feeling you get in your stomach when nervous or scared is the exact same feeling that you get when you are excited. If you really think about it– it is true! When you start to get that feeling, don’t let yourself think that you are scared or nervous, become excited instead! :)

Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

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  • At 8:04 PM, Blogger Edward Cross said…

    Sounds pretty darn familiar!

    The summer really has gone by quickly; graduation night does seem like ages ago! It feels so good to be moving on, though!

    I felt more overwhelmed while school was getting out. There are just so many decisions to make at this point in life--not putting aside the fact that there will most definitely be more demanding stages later. Now that the summer is drawing to a close, though, I'm starting to feel a little anxious about the future myself.

    Not worrying about things is definitely something I've learned from you, Lauren. There are always two verses that I immediately think of you after I hear/read, and one of them is Philippians 4:6. Along with your dad, you have always pointed me to that verse when I start complaining about my worries, and I'm very thankful for the boldness shown by both of you.

    I haven't thought too much about how I'm going to adjust to ASU life, but I have absolutely thought of why I'm going there! As you know, I too do not have a firm grasp on what I want to study, but at the same time am totally at peace with my college choice. I know that I'm obeying God in going there, but apart from that...little else.

    And about this nervous/exciting feeling: maybe it's just me, but personally the difference between the two is I feel like I'm about to throw up when I get nervous. :)

    Thank God that doesn't happen when I get excited!

    Here's another verse about being anxious I found yesterday:

    Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
    (1 Peter 5:6-7 ESV)

  • At 7:39 PM, Blogger Dennis Rogers said…

    I am soooo proud of you. I am glad that you have learned to "choose excitement"! It is going to be wonderful to see how your life unfolds over the next several years.


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